A weekend for ourselves


Hello everyone I hope that you are all okay and that you enjoyed yourselves this past week and even if you didn't, I decided that I should give you some advices so that at least your weekend will not be dull.

These past few weeks I had trouble finding something that it will keep me occupied for at least some hours because as it seemed I was on the edge of dying by boredom. Luckily I realised that I should try someting different, something new and that is exactly what I did. Long story, short these are my ideas for an icon weekend
Firstly you should wake up in about  11:00 for some of you this is too early or too late but trust me it is worth it. After dressing up for your day, prepare a breakfast full of calories such as pancakes,eggs,chocolate because to be honest we have only one life and we should enjoy it at the fullest. After you finish with your breakfast just sit on your laptop or on your TV and watch your favourite series or favourite youtubers anything that you like and that you will not find lame.
 At the lunch try to help your parents with the preparations for the food so that will be ready. This was for me oddly satisfying beacuse the time went by so quicky and I didn't even realised.
Julian Jagtenberg- Photographer

After lunch you could read a comic or a book or even listen to music that will surely help you feel relaxed. In the afternoon you should for at least one hour dance and sing like your life depnds on it! After that you should eat a snack and then do exercise or play video games or draw. Then in the night you should play a board game with your family and see a movie. 
Andrea Piacquadio- Photographer
This is my icon Saturday and on Sunday I follow this path but I add makeup tutorials, talking with friends, taking pictures of myself and even dreaming how my college and love life will be.
This is for me my PERFECT WEEKEND I would like to believe that I help some of you that might feel hopeless or bored. Take care of yourselves and most important be optimistic


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