
Προβολή αναρτήσεων από 2020

Quarantine Again/ #IamRemarkable

 Workshop Hello everyone, I hope that you are all feeling great that you enjoyed yourselves these past few weeks and that you are now full of positivity. Since the announcement of the second quarantine in Greece my feelings are kind of mixed. I have to say that I'm really frustrated with the outcome because I didn't fully enjoyed the freedom I had and now it had been taken for me AGAIN. So in this article I will talk about the quarantine but also about a workshop that google organised and I had the chance to watch a few days ago. For starters, I have to admit that by being stuck in quarantine my feelings are out of the hand and most of the times I am miserable or angry with this whole situation. I am being forced to watch online lessons from the school but also from the private lessons ,so every single day I have a headache because I spent most of my time in front of a computer without even wanting it. Also I shouldn't forget that now for me everyday is the same, nothing ex...


 Under Pressure Hello everyone, I hope that you are all feeling great, that you enjoyed yourselves these past few weeks and that you are now full of positivity. As for me I would like to apologise to you about the fact that I broke my promise that I gave you two weeks ago. I have no excuses about this but I pinky promise you that I will make it up for you somehow. Untill then let's talk about feelings and specifically negative feelings. Have you ever thought that you are useless or not good enough for someone? Have you ever concidered that you won't meet to someone's expectactations? Have you ever felt a pressure around you that drowns you until you get suffocated? Well if you haven't felt this way you are a really optimistic and very relaxed person who believes to himself. If you have felt this way welcome to my world. I would like to begin by saying that I decided to talk about this spesific topic because I couldn't keep my feelings in check anymore due to the pre...


 What is life without friends? Hello everyone, I hope that you are all doing fine, that you enjoyed yourselves these past few weeks and that you are now full of positivity. I know I'm really awful because I haven't written to you in two weeks due to my hectic programm but I trully hope that this bad habit will change in time. Today I decided to write about friends and the meaning that they have in each person's life including mine. The word Friends has a lot of definitions it might means a peson who knows me and cares about me, it might means someone who gives me freedom to be who I trully am, or it might means a person who loves me unconditionally. If you search this word you will find hunderd of definitions and I'm sure that one of them will express you. To me Friends means a person or people who are there for you no matter what and that they will always got your back!  I'm 16 years old and I have to say that I'm pretty lucky because from a young age I'm s...

Long time No see

 I'm back Hello everyone, I hope that you are all feeling good that you enjoyed yourselves these last few weeks and that you are now full of positivity. I haven't written in such a long time because I wasn't in the mood to dedicate on this. I had no content about my blog  and I didn't want you to feel bored with my writing....so I gave up. But now here I am and I'm here to stay which means that I will insist on writing about topics that I love without feeling pressure. So first things first let me infrom you about my current life. Firstly the school has finally opened, that means a piece of my old life ( before quarantine) is back,I don't really know how to feel about that because school can be tiring pretty quickly without even noticing. On the other hand I got to see my friends almost every day even though I'm forced to see half of the faces due to the stupid masks. But this is a topic for another day.... Also I started private lessons and I have to say ...

Sweet 16.......

 Birthday Party Hello everyone, I hope that you are all feeling good, that you enjoyed yourselves this past week and that you are now full of positive energy. As for me two weeks ago I turned 16 and I have to say that I was so overwhelmed but at the same time so happy because I realised that I have grown up and I have become a "mature" person. So what is better than celebrating this "important" day with your friends by going out? I wil tell you what is better than that throwing out a terrace- party with the help of your family. Every year in August 17th there is an excitement inside me and a light that wants to burst out and just make everyone feel as happy as I am. I trully believe that nothing or no one can destroy this happiness that surrounds me because this is my day!This is the day to celebrate that I am alive and healthy and this is the day that everyone wishes my happy birthday just because they care or because of their politeness! Every year the number chan...

Books and Books....

 The beauty of books Hello everyone, I hope that you are all feeling good, that you enjoyed yourselves this past week and a half and that you are now full of positive thoughts. As for me this week was quite interesting because I finished most of my books and I wanted to share with you my opinion about the content of each book.  This month I wanted to read some books so I asked a friend of mine if I could borrow some of hers because she loves reading and she has a huge collection of different kind of books so I knew that she was the ONE! As you can probably guess she was glad to lent me her books and I chose two, unfortunately I read only one of them and I read another book which was a present from my brother. Long story short these are the books that I liked a lot!! FIVE FEET APART This book is actually based on the movie Five Feet Apart which I have written on an article a couple months ago so if you want, check it out. Well this book is about a girl and a boy who both have c...

This Week's Series/Movies

My mind was blown up Hello everyone I hope that you are all feeling good, that you enjoyed yourselves this past week and I wish you a happy month full of smiles and laughters! This week I took advantage of my plenty free time and I decided to dedicated it on movies and series. I still have a long way to go before I'm completely satisfied with myself but I still have time to finish this "road". So... today I'm going to tell you about the movies and series that were actually amazing and I didn't want them to finish them! 1. THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY ( SEASON 2) 9/10 This series is about a family of former child heroes, who are grown ups and thay have to reunite so that they can save the world. I saw the first season of this series one year ago and I wouldn't say that I was quite impressed by it. I would say that I loved most of the characters but I didn't exactly like the whole plot. I had lost my interest but then in the last episode the ending was quite unexpec...

Do I Have to Choose?

Dream Job and All That Hello everyone I hope that you are all feeling good, that you enjoyed yourselves this past week and that you are now full of positivity and happiness!This week, I was quite overwhelmed because I started searching for ideal universities and generally asking myself what I wanted to be in two years. I know that I might seem ridiculous because I'm only 16 and I will face my "big exams" in two years so I got plenty of time for that BUT... this wasn't the way that I thought of it so what is better that sharing with you my thoughts? In Greece and in some countries of Europe at the age of 16 students must decide which education suits them better the scientific education or the theoretical one. This decision might seem as an easy one but for the people who are indecisive and they don't have a clue about their future job this is a hard one. Even though the majority of students have the answer there are still people who don't have one. To top it al...

My Summer Vacation

Time to relax Hello everyone, I hope that you are all feeling amazing, that you enjoyed yourselves these past two weeks and that you are now full of positivity and happiness. I haven't written in a while because I couldn't find the time to sit and write down my thoughts or my feelings. The reason for my absence is only one and it is called summer vacations. So..today I'm going to describe to you my summer time! These past few weeks I had a lot of fun with my familly because I got to spend most of my time with them and we kind of rebound even though this also happend in quarantine!In my village the time moves slower  so I took advantage of it and I tried to be more creative and do activities that I wouldn't do if I were in the city. For example I started reading books which is unlike me because I usually get bored and I can't finish them but surprisingly here it was exactly the opposite! - Having Fun- The first week we stayed on our village and the seco...

My Hectic Week

Moving too fast Hello everyone, I hope that you are all feeling good, that you enjoyed yourselves this past week and that you are now full of positive energy. Also I wish you a great month full of smiles and happiness even though the beginning of mine wasn't exactly ideal! The causes behind my discomfort are specific so what is better than sharing it with you? This week I was pretty anxious because I would finally retake my German exams and as every person I wanted to succeed and and take my degree. Unfortunately that didn't go exactly well. That morning, I woke up  and I felt the pressure of my conscience telling me not to fail. So I was obviously nervous but at the same time I had set my mind to my goal. The feeling of going to to the place in which the exams occured was easier than the first time but still terrifying as the last time. Every person in this room was holding a pen, a bottle of water and their ID. Some of them were relaxed, they were smiling, talking with their ...

Dear Summer...

Summer is back  Hello everyone I hope that you are all feeling good, that you enjoyed youselves this past week and that you are now full of positive energy. If you asked me I would have to say that this weekend was one of the bests in my life! I know that I might sound too excessive but honestly I had so much fun and I realised that the summer is back! So..today I decided to write about my perfect weekend! This weekend, I took a trip with my lovely brother and his girlfriend and we visited a coastal area of our beautiful Greece. I was literally so excited about our little "vacations" that I was bouncing around the room like a child who got a lot of candies. During the ride the only thing I could think of was the beach and how happy I was that I had the chance to swim again. Believe me this was certainly the best feeling in the world.The sense of the salt around your skin and the waves that hit you from behind without actually hurting you but causing you a thrillness. The feel...

Goodbye couch, Hello gym mattress

My new hobby Hello everyone, I hope that you are all feeling good, that you enjoyed yourselves this past week and that you are now full of positive energy. As for me this week was kind of experimental because I finally tried out a new hobby which is called exercising. Since I was a little girl I wasn't a big fan of exercising because others were better than me, they had more stamina and I didn't. But recently I decided to give it a chance and I have no regrets! This week I made a list of my goals for this summer and one of them is to be more fit and that can only happen if I start exercising so that is exactly what I did. Believe me, at first this wasn't easy because I wasn't very motivated and I didn't want to say goodbye to my couch or to my bed even for some hours but it had to be done!  The first day I did a little research on youtube on how to get fit and luckily I found a channel in which a girl who is named Chloe Ting had a lot of videos with summer exercises...

My worst fear

My fear is eaten me alive Hello everyone, I hope that you are all feeling good, that you enjoyed yourselves these past few days and that you are now full of positive energy! Yesterday I had a conversation with my friend about fears and that got me thinking about my own fears and which one of them is the worst! So...by taking this oppportunity I decided to share with you one of the most important parts of  myself! Every living person who lives in this world has at least one fear, that sometimes can tear him up and affect directly his whole life or at least one small part of it,this is my very own definition of fear. It can actually cause you real damage and it can be the reason for a breakdown or for self-destruction. I know that some of you might call me exaggerating but to some people this is the truth. Each person has their own fear. Someone might be afraid of what his future holds for him, someone else might fear of not being loved by anyone. Others are afraid of losing their lo...

This week's saddest movies/series

My heart is broken Hello everyone I hope that you are all feeling good, that you enjoyed yourselves these past few days and that you are now full of positive energy. As for me the only thing I want to say is that this last week I cried a lot and I want you to bear in mind that I cry only when I have a specific and  important reason. So.... today I decided to share with you the reasons that led me on crying my eyes out! This week I was determined on finishing my series and starting new ones or watching new movies and that is exactly what I did. What I didn't say is that I have a soft spot for romantic movies and series so I couldn't stay away from them, unfortunately that was my epic mistake. Long story short these are the movies/series that caused me to break down in tears! 1. THE HALF OF IT  7,5/10 This movie is about a smart but cash-strapped teen Ellie Chu who agress to write a love letter for a jock but she doesn't expect to form a strong friendship with him or to fall ...

Stay together! We deserve to live

What are we? Hello everyone, I hope that you are all feeling good and that you are now full of positive energy. These last 2 days messages are spread threw social media about the death of  George Floyd a young man who lived in the state of Minessota and got killed by a policeman. The reason for his death was a $20 bill which was identified as counterfeit. When I first read about it I wasn't surprised that this man was killed for apparently no reason and that even though he begged the policeman to let him breathe he just stood over him and ignored him. Through those years the racism that we all believed had stopped still exists and this not the first example nor will be the last. Through those years in the same continent that we all called " The Promised Land" people had suffered and unfortunately they still do.  Some of those examples are: Eric Garner was killed in 2014 because he was blamed for selling ciggarettes without paying the taxes, Breonna Taylor was shot 8 times...

New hair, New me

My Pink Hair Hello everyone, I hope that you are all feeling good, that you enjoyed yourselves this weekend and that you are now full of positive energy! If you asked me about my weekend, I would say that these last few days I was beyond happy because I spent them with my favourite people and because of  the change in my hair! Purple and blonde So... these last few months I had the desire to be unpredictable and change the way I look. I always wanted to dye my hair an intense colour and pink was perfect for me. I was pretty nervous because it was kind of bold but at the same time really exciting.  Last year I had decided to highlight my hair blonde but it didn't work out so I was disappointed. Then in December I took the decision to  highlight my hair purple, I absolutely loved the colour but I was kind of sad because it wasn't intense. Long story short, those experiences led me to the way my hair is today. My New Look! By saying that I want to describe to you my feelings...

3 Ways to be less Indecisive

Difficult Decisions Hello everyone, I hope that you are all feeling good, that you enjoyed yourselves these past few days and that you are now full of positive energy. Today I decid ed to make a post about a problem that I have to face every single day of my life and it is called decisions. I believe that you are familiar with this kind of problem because let's be honest every living person has to make at least one desicion per day and this decision will affect directly or indrectly his day,week ,year or even his whole life. So by saying that we should be very careful when we are in this position.  Unfortunately some people including myself are indesicive, that means they can't choose between two options because both of these benefit them or both of these might hurt them. For example last week I couldn't decide between chocolate and pizza, I know that it might seem kind of foolish but I was torn between those two options and I couln't make up my mind. So..... ...

Happy international day 17 May

Nobody should be afraid Hello everyone, I hope that you are all feeling good, that you enjoyed yourselves this weekend and that you are now full of positive energy. These days I had a lot of ideas about my content of the next post but I found out that 17 May is a very important day for those who belong to lgbtq community so I decided to dedicate this post for those people. Even though I'm late I wanted to share it with you! Photographer-Sharon McCutcheon Some of you might not know but we started to celebrate this day in 2004 because of the violence that the people from the lgbtq community had to endure. It was horrible for all of them, they didn't deserve the fear of others and most important their hatred. They fought for their rights and they still do because unfortunately, they can't change the world but what they can, do is fight for what they want. I don't belong in this communtiy but I respect those people and I support them because I can not imagine ...

Trying out new products

My New Makeup Hello everyone I hope that you are feeling good, that you enjoyed youselves and that you are now full of positive energy! This weekend I had real fun because I finally saw my brother after a very long time and I can not describe how much I missed him all those months. Also he brought me new products of makeup as a present and I couldn't be more excited. So... today I'm going to talk about my new makeup! I am a girl as you know and I love to take care of myself unfortunately I wouldn't say that my skills in makeup are as good as I would like them to be. Nevertheless I always challenge myself and I want to be better in things that I find interesting, makeup is one of them. So what is better than trying? That is exactly what I did last Saturday, I was beyond excited and I wanted to try the new eyeshadow brush, the eyeshadow palette and the palette that included highlighter etc.  The products (Soph X Revolution) Firstly I was curious about the colour...

My 10 Quarantine movies (part 2)

Quarantine Movies Hello everyone I hope that you are all feeling good and that you enjoyed yourselves these past few days. Today I decided to finish this article and reveal the rest of the movies in my list. I was very excited about it because all of them caught my attention but those 5 kept me awake at nights. Seriously though, I watched most of them at night so I had a lot of dreams about them.  Saying that these are the best 5 movies...  5.When Harry met Sally 8/10  This movie is about Harry and Sally, two people that have known each other for years and as time went by they became really good friends unfortuantely both of them were afraid of becoming something more. When I first heard of it I wasn't keen on watching it because it was filmed in 1989 and I thought that I wouldn't like the plot or the direction. I was really glad when my thoughts were false. I absolutely loved this classic movie that have stolen the hearts of many people and also mine!...

My 10 quarantine movies (part 1)

Quarantine movies Hello everyone I hope that you are all feeling good and that this month will be great for all of you. These past few days I couldn't decide what content my next post should have and then out of nowhere I remembered the hobbie that kept me occupied all this time: MOVIES! But not any kind of movies, Quarantine Movies. I decide to do a list with the movies that I have seen during Quarantine therefor Quarantine Movies.  10.Midsommar 5.5/10 This movie takes place in Sweden where a couple travels go there to visit a rural hometown's fabled mid-summer festival. When I first saw it, I was kind of surprised because the movie was different from other thrillers that I had watched.I liked how the actors played and I fell in love with the the nature scenes but overall this movie was too weird for me. 9.Maleficent: Mistress of evil 6/10 This is a sequel to Maleficent and in this movie Maleficent and her goddaughter Aurora are pulled in different ...